Sunday Worship September 20, 2020

Sep 20, 2020 | Sermons

Overcoming the Devil

Call to Worship


Hymn:  “Praise Him!  Praise Him!”

Responsive Reading – Psalm 67

Pastoral Prayer

Hymn: “Forever Settled in the Heavens”

Scripture Reading – Mark 9:14-29

Worship Through Preaching – Jim Schirmer


Theme: Be a channel of God’s gracious power.

  1. Satan’s malice.
    1. Its prevalence.
    2. Perpetual warfare.
  2. Our weakness.
    1. The father.
    2. The disciples.
  3. The Lord’s divine power.
    1. How to access it.
    2. The goal.

Hymn: “I Need Thee Every Hour”
